You are a small child, and your parents are gone for the night. You are in your bedroom, and you start hearing some strange noise in the corridor... You run into the closet, taking a light with you (because of course, there is no electricity). And then you saw it in the door in front of you...

Try to survive the whole night (5mn) !

  • Left click / Touch => toggle light state
  • The monster will go back if you put it into light long enough

EDIT POST JAM (the web preview is still the JAM version):

- I added a new version (windows, macos, linux and web) with some fixes (prevent an issue if the light is on, but you have no battery left => the enemy wasn't moving anymore; and pre-cache the screaming sound in the end so it trigger as soon as possible)


lights out - fix no light but still 1.6 MB
lights out - fix no light but still on - Linux 81 MB
lights out - fix no light but still on - MacOS 78 MB
lights out - fix no light but still on - Windows 83 MB


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That's good, man

Thanks !

Try my game